Message from Hector Saenz, President, IBM ~ Kyndryl Retirees Chapter To: IBM / Kyndryl Retirees Chapter_NRLN Members From: Hector Saenz, Chapter President and NRLN Board Member Subject: Your Chapter and NRLN Are Advocating Your Healthcare Coverage Rights In mid-September I will be representing the IBM/Kyndryl Retirees Chapter at the NRLN’s annual Fly-In to Washington, DC where I will join other…
IBM Chapter
Archived Documents for IBM/Kyndryl
written by National Retiree Legislative Network
4 minutes read
Message from Hector Saenz, President, IBM ~ Kyndryl Retirees Chapter You may have read previous messages to IBM retirees that your IBM / Kyndryl Chapter and the National Retirees Legislative Network (NRLN) launched an investigation in January into whether there was an injustice to IBM retirees when IBM changed its healthcare benefit. This resulted in retirees only able to apply…