OUR ACTION COMMITTEES These dedicated Chairpersons want to hear from you if you have information regarding their committee or are willing to help. Bill Kadereit NRLN President Legislative Action Planning Committee Hector Saenz Chair: Membership At-large Vice President Martha Deahl Chair: Grassroots NRLN Vice President Jay Kuhnie Chair Chair, Income Security Committee. Dana Oliver Chair: Regulatory Affairs National Chrysler Retirement…
Officers & Board of Directors
OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS These dedicated officers and directors want to hear from you. Please feel free to call on any of them to help answer your questions regarding our organization and purpose. If you share our vision, please join us. We need every corporate retiree who gets a pension and/or healthcare benefits to join us and get connected in…
Aetna / Agilent / American Airlines / Ameritech/SBC / AMF / American Mutual / Amica Mutual / AT&T / Avaya / Avin Meritor / Ball Aerospace / Bell Atlantic / Bell Helicopter / Bendix / Boeing / California State Employees / Caterpiller / C & P Telephone / Chrysler / Commonwealth Edison / Continental General Tire / Cooper Tire and…
Aetna / Agilent / American Airlines / Ameritech/SBC / AMF / American Mutual / Amica Mutual / AT&T / Avaya / Avin Meritor / Ball Aerospace / Bell Atlantic / Bell Helicopter / Bendix / Boeing / California State Employees / Caterpiller / C & P Telephone / Chrysler / Commonwealth Edison / Continental General Tire / Cooper Tire and…