NRLN General Motors Chapter


Volume 8, Number 1 Spring 2024

GM Retirees Chapter President’s Message

Hello GM Retirees,

So how was your winter? Is it over yet? Phil the groundhog predicts an early spring but since I live in Michigan, I will take a “wait and see” attitude. Never trust a groundhog. Friends who winter in the southwest and southeast report that it has been cooler than normal but at least they do not have to shovel snow. The good news is that the weather has not been a deterrent to the work being done by our friends at the NRLN. They continue to press our elected officials for common sense solutions to the issues that affect all Retirees. 

General Motors continues to post positive earnings with record profit sharing for both Union and Salaried employees. The new labor contract is in place, albeit not without a lot of huffing and puffing by both sides. The next major challenge is reaching the critical balance of product mix between EVs, Hybrids and ICE vehicles. As always, since time began, the customer will own the final decision. 

Here are some of the issues being addressed by the NRLN:

  • As noted in the NRLN Newsletter, the NRLN continues to argue against the efforts to privatize traditional Medicare. 
  • Reduce prescription drug prices by ending “pay for delay” and allowing the importation of safe and less expensive drugs from Canada and other countries
  • A recent NRLN “Action Alert” asked members to oppose the proposed reduction in the Medicare Home Healthcare funding, (plans call for a 9.36% cut).

As always, I urge you to be “part of the solution” and help the NRLN advocate for legislation that will help all retirees. Respond to the “Action Alert” requests because it does make a difference. A lot of individual voices add up to a BIG voice and may just be the leverage that is needed to pass legislation that will help all retirees. You can learn more about the NRLN Legislative Agenda and listen to the most recent Podcast from our President, Bill Kadereit by visiting

Larry Hice, President, GM Retirees Chapter
National Retiree Legislative Network

Email: Cell: 248-961-5126

Volume 7, Number 3 Fall 2023
GM Retirees Chapter President’s Message

Hello GM Retirees,

I have been “attempting” to write this newsletter since Monday…it is now Thursday, and I am still struggling to find the right combination of facts and wit to make this readable. We are in the fourth week of the historic UAW strike against ALL three domestic manufacturers with no apparent end in sight. The nation is in the grip of devastating news from the Middle East as we mourn the loss of life and steel ourselves to the inevitable additional losses to come. The House of Representatives seems incapable of selecting a Speaker that can gain the support of both sides of the aisle, or even the required votes from one side of the aisle. And this is just a partial list of the challenges facing us as a people and a Nation.

My role as the self-appointed President of the GMRC is to remain neutral and to encourage your support of the NRLN with your time, talent, and treasure. Over a cup of coffee or an adult beverage I would be happy to share my “opinions” …but not here. In this newsletter we speak to the issues that the NRLN leadership advocates for with our elected officials in Washington D.C.

As always, I would encourage you to check the NRLN website news related to Retiree issues. For most of us, the best thing we can do to be “part of the solution” is to click on the “Action Alert” button when we get a request from the NRLN. You can learn more about the NRLN Legislative Agenda and listen to the most recent Podcast from our President, Bill Kadereit by visiting

  • Current issues highlighted on are:
    • H.R. 1770/S.2477: Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist
    • H.R.3382/S.1894: Colorectal Cancer Payment Fairness Act
    • H.R.3842/S.1832: Expanding Access to Diabetes Self-Management Training Act of
    • H.R.3876/S.2323: Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act of 2023
    • NRLN Action Alert – Enact Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening




National Retiree Legislative Network – General Motors Retirees Chapter Online Contributions

Become an NRLN / GMRC Individual Member…

Greetings! I trust you're doing well. Allow me to confidently remind you about the NRLN's efforts towards safeguarding your retirement. By making an annual contribution, you're investing in your future and supporting their initiatives. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, can make a significant impact. So, let's take action!

Click the CONTRIBUTE button below and join this worthy cause. We're grateful for your ongoing support.

Moreover, stay updated on the NRLN's latest activities by following them on their social media platforms. Enjoy an excellent day!

National Retiree Legislative Network – General Motors Retirees Chapter Contributions Form

The NRLN is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. Contributions are not tax deductible.

NRLN, Inc.
P.O. Box 18757
Washington, D.C. 20036-8757.

Why the NRLN / GMRC Is Relevant to GM Retirees

GM terminated health care at age 65 but added $300/month per retiree or surviving spouse to pensions, replaced pensions with lump sums or Prudential annuities, life insurance was reduced to $10,000 for retirees of record on 8/1/2009 and as of 1/1/2014 life insurance was terminated for all other current and future retirees. Here is what’s left to protect:

Social Security – The NRLN is lobbying for the passage the Social Security 2100 Act. It would ensure funding the program for the next 75 years and change the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) from the current CPI-W pegged to urban wage earners’ living expenses to CPI-E (Elderly) based on older Americans’ spending patterns, including medical costs.

Medicare – The NRLN is lobbying to add a low out-of-pocket cap to original Medicare. Far too many seniors in original Medicare are forced to go without critical health care because they cannot afford the out-of-pocket costs. With this additional benefit, original Medicare would be on a more level playing field with Medicare Advantage plans which are required to have an out-of-pocket cap. The NRLN is also advocating that vision, hearing and dental benefits be added to Medicare.

Immunizations for Seniors – The NRLN is supporting passage of the Protecting Seniors Through Immunizations Act that would provide Medicare beneficiaries access to all recommended vaccines at no additional cost. Some immunizations are covered under Medicare Part B without any out-of-pocket costs, while some vaccines covered under Medicare Part D require significant out-of-pocket costs.

Trust Act – The NRLN is opposing the TRUST Act which would create “rescue committees” for Social Security and Medicare that would operate outside of the regular order of Congress, behind closed doors, and the committees’ recommendations would be fast-tracked for votes without amendments on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Funding needs to be increased for the Social Security Trust and Medicare Trust, but the policies should not be made without public Congressional hearings and behind closed doors.

Inpatient Rule – The NRLN is lobbying for passage of the Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act which would fix an arbitrary Medicare rule that patients who receive hospital care on “observation status” do not qualify for the benefit of skilled nursing care, even if their hospital stay lasts longer than three days and even if their care team prescribes it. Under current Medicare policy, a beneficiary must have an “inpatient” hospital stay of at least three days for Medicare to cover skilled nursing care. Patients on “observation status” are either forced to return home without the treatment they have been prescribed, or, as often happens, they believed they were an “inpatient” and are unexpectedly billed astronomical amounts after their stays in a skilled nursing facility.

Prescription Drugs – We are lobbying for bills to reduce the price of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to do competitive bidding, end pay-for-delay and other brand name drug makers’ tactics that keep generics off the market and support importation of less expensive drugs that meet FDA safety standards.

Telehealth – Telehealth has been a critical lifeline for millions of retirees who needed care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The NRLN is lobbying to make sure that telehealth coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is made permanent.

Taxes – The NRLN advocates legislation to amend the tax code to eliminate federal and state taxes on all Social Security income and/or allow a tax credit for taxes withheld.



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