President’s Forum 131 – Have a Joyful and Peaceful Christmas!

by Bill Kedereit

When my 11-year-old great grandson arrives at my home on Christmas day, the first thing he will do is ask me for my iPhone so he can play video games that he talked me into buying and downloading. When I think back to the time when I was 11 years old in Omaha, Nebraska there is a chasm of differences between then and now.

When I was 11 years old, I had a morning newspaper route for the Omaha World-Herald. Usually on Christmas morning there was fairly deep snow on the ground, or it was snowing or both. I usually walked my route but there were Sunday mornings when my Dad would pour warm water on the motor of his 1947 Plymouth to get it started and drive me to pick up four bags full of 119 Sunday newspapers that I would throw from the car. (If only the University of Nebraska had a quarterback who could throw a football with the accuracy that I threw newspapers to front porches.) Well, I may have broken a door glass or two during that three-year career.

In those days – the 1940s, 1950s and even into the 1960s – most kids learned responsibility young. That’s not to say that many kids today don’t learn responsibility when they are young, but it seems that smartphones, video games and social media are a distraction.

In this Christmas season let’s enjoy the memories and lessons learned in our youth and from our life-long experiences. And let our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren know that we love them, even if they didn’t have the good fortune of growing up in the era that we did.

The COVID-19 virus and mutations are still with us for another Christmas. Violence and division in our nation are serious issues. There is mounting tension with America’s foreign enemies.

Keep in mind why there is a Christmas and what the angel said to the shepherds in the field who were keeping watch at night over their flock: “Do not be afraid, for see, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you, this day, in the city of David, A Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.”

No matter who may be your Lord, may you and your loved ones have Joy and may Peace be with you this Holiday Season and throughout the new year.

Remember, Seniors are Special!

Bill Kadereit, President
National Retiree Legislative Network

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