President’s Forum 119 – Video/Podcast Medicare Revenue, Rebates, Market Share

by Bill Kedereit

The NRLN’s Episode #3 video/podcast, Medicare A-D Revenue, MA Plan Rebates/Market Share & Medicare 10-year Budget is available on the NRLN website. The objective of this video/podcast is to examine revenue sources for Medicare Parts A, B and D and the impact that increased Medicare enrollment and out-of-control healthcare costs will have on retirees.

To see videos or to listen to podcasts, click on “LISTEN OR WATCH OUR LATEST EPISODE” on the large Videos and Podcasts artwork in the center of the home page. Then select and click on a selection on the NRLN Videos and Podcasts library webpage. Instructions on the Icons to click to watch videos or listen to podcasts are posted on the webpage.

Do you want to know…

  • 43% of Medicare’s total revenue in 2018 came from general income tax revenue not payroll tax revenue.
  • The Medicare Part A trust fund may be insolvent by 2028.
  • Congress used general revenue to fund 72% of Part B’s $354 billion and 71% of Part D’s $95 billion.
  • Congress has provided $38 billion in rebates to private healthcare insurance companies in 2020 for Medicare Privatization.
  • Congress, the CMS and insurance companies have ignored pleas to legitimize the Medicare Advantage (MA) Quality Bonus Plan.
  • Medicare costs will double from 2019 to 2029 (up 101%), while new Medicare enrollees increase by only 25%.

The NRLN is your source for the truth about retirement benefits crucial to your future wellbeing and the financial wellbeing of your children, grandchildren and our country.

Upcoming NRLN videos/podcasts will be:

  • Episode #4 – Rebates and the Quality Bonus Plan (QBP) – The House of Cards
  • Episode #5 – Comparing Medicare Advantage Plans & Original Medicare plus Medigap G

The NRLN is interested in receiving your feedback and/or questions on the videos/podcasts. You may contact us at or call Toll-Free at 1-866-360-7197.

Bill Kadereit, President
National Retiree Legislative Network

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