President’s Forum 106 – House Should Retain RMD Waiver for 2020

by Bill Kedereit

NRLN President’s Forum House Passes Senate’s Relief Bill with RMD Waiver The House of Representatives on Friday passed the $2 trillion Coronavirus emergency relief bill that was passed by the Senate Wednesday night. President Donald Trump immediately signed the legislation into law.

A provision in the bill provides for the 2020 waiver on Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for IRAs and 401(k)s. I want to thank NRLN members who responded to Thursday’s Action Alert and emailed letters to their U.S. Representative requesting the House retain the RMD waiver that was included in the Senate bill.

The House approved the Senate’s stimulus package by voice vote. The legislation will provide payments of up to $1,200 to millions of Americans, bolster unemployment benefits, offer loans, grants and tax breaks to businesses, large and small, and send billions more to states, local governments and the nation’s healthcare system. Click here to read articles about the legislation at IN THE NEWS on the NRLN website home page.

I hope you have been reading the NRLN’s messages on the Coronavirus. Click here to access the messages. As we come across more information that would be useful to you we will continue to share it.

Please follow the Center for Disease Control ( guidelines which are intended to keep us safe from the Coronavirus.

Bill Kadereit, President
National Retiree Legislative Network

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