President’s Forum 117 – Announcing First NRLN Podcast

by Bill Kedereit

Announcing First NRLN Podcast

I am pleased to announce that we have produced the first NRLN Podcast as part of our effort to better inform NRLN members and reach a wider audience. To access our Podcast message, The NRLN – Creating a Better Future for Retirees, click here.

You will be linked to the “PodBean” webpage. When the Podcast player appears below the Introduction to the NRLN headline, click on the green arrow in the green circle to start the audio. If you need to pause the audio, click on the pause icon in the green circle. To resume the audio, click on the green arrow in the green circle again. If you need to increase the volume, click on the green speaker icon at the right and move the volume line to the right.

Most computers, iPads (tablets) and smartphones are capable of allowing you to listen to the Podcast. The host site for the Podcast places the message, in addition to the NRLN website, on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Pandora for broad exposure.

The first Podcast episode describes the organizational structure of the NRLN and our work in Washington, DC. Although you may think you know about the work of the NRLN, I believe you will learn more by listening to the first Podcast. In addition, I comment on the Podcast that I will be spending much more time in the coming days and weeks on Podcast and Videos providing factual information and comparisons you don’t often read or hear about regarding Medicare A, B and C, and Private Medicare Advantage.

My upcoming Podcast and Video episodes will address:

Episode #2 – History of Medicare Privatization & Results After 23 Years

Episode #3 – Medicare A-D Revenue, MA Plan Rebates/Market Share & Medicare 10 yr. Budget

Episode #4 – Rebates and the Quality Bonus Plan (QBP) – The House of Cards

Episode #5 – Comparing Medicare Advantage Plans & Original Medicare plus Medigap G

Episodes 2-5 will be added to the currently available first episode at least weekly as we approach the October 15 start of the annual Medicare enrollment period. Later we will have episodes about prescription drugs and other and healthcare topics plus retirement income security that should be of interest to you.

The NRLN is interested in receiving your feedback and/or questions on the Podcasts and Videos. You can contact us at or call Toll-Free at 1-866-360-7197.

Bill Kedereit, President
National Retiree Legislative Network

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