President’s Forum 116 – Resources for Voters

by Bill Kedereit

I have invited Bob Martina, NRLN Vice President – Grassroots, to join me for this NRLN President’s Forum message.

The Democrat and Republican conventions have been held. After Labor Day many Americans begin giving serious attention to campaigns. The Presidential Campaign Debates are scheduled for September 29th, October 15th and 22nd.

Voter Registration and Voting Information

The NRLN believes that the website , a non-partisan, non-profit organization, can be a resource to you. This website can be used to determine whether you are registered to vote. If you are not registered to vote there is a link to register. There are links to find your polling place location or to request an absentee ballot. (This website invites you to make a voluntary contribution to That decision is up to you.)

If you scroll down the webpage to where links to state election centers are listed, we have noticed that some states are not up-to-date on mail-in voting (for example Washington state). If your state has mail-in voting, direct any questions you have to the office of your Secretary of State. To contact the office of your Secretary of State, go to the website for the National Association of Secretaries of State at . The Secretary of State Office may refer you to county or local election officials.

Postal Service Concerns

There have been many news reports and editorials about whether the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is capable of handling large volumes of mail-in ballots. If you will be voting by mail, your ballot should be mailed as soon as possible.

Some say USPS currently has sufficient funding to handle mass mail-in ballots. Others claim that USPS needs billions more in funding to handle election mail. The NRLN is not taking sides in this controversy. Our concern is that the USPS has the capability to deliver prescription drugs, pension and Social Security checks, Medicare information and other critical mail to seniors on time.

The NRLN will be issuing an Action Alert to ask members to email letters to the President and Congressional leaders to tell them that they need to put politics aside and determine the level of financing USPS needs to properly do its job.

Congressional Report Cards on Bills

Whether you have already made your decision on how you will vote or are undecided, it is important that you exercise your right to vote in the November 3rd Election. To assist you in being an informed voter on the elections for the House of Representatives and the Senators seeking re-election, the NRLN Report Card shows whether your members of Congress are cosponsors of the bills the NRLN supports or opposes. Click here and click on your state on the USA map. When the webpage with your members of Congress appears, click on EXCEL DOWNLOAD. After you have completed the download, click on Enable Editing at the top of the EXCEL file to see the bills’ titles.

Pharma Campaign Contributions

You many also want to review the campaign contributions Senators and Representatives have received from the pharmaceutical and health products industry. Click here to see the report. The data is provided by OpenSecrets.Org, Center for Responsible Politics, a nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit organization.

Your vote counts. Please vote!

Bill Kedereit, President
National Retiree Legislative Network

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