President’s Forum 140 – Leadership Announcement from the NRLN President

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Bill Kadereit, President, National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN), made the following announcements with NRLN Board approval to be effective January 1. 2023: 

Hector Saenz, NRLN Region 10 Vice President

Hector Saenz, NRLN Region 10 Vice President (Golden State Region – CA) has joined the NRLN Board of Directors as the at-large Vice President, Membership Development. 

Hector R. Saenz served in the US Army’s Signal Core for the first 8 years of his work history. He spent time at Fort Bliss Texas in the US Air Defense Command and in Baumholder West Germany amongst other locations. At the same time, he attended the University of Maryland (overseas campus) and Central Texas Collage. After an Honorable discharge from the Army Hector accepted a position in IBM’s Field Engineering division. Over his 33 years with IBM Hector worked around the globe, holding the positions of Director of Sales for the Industrial Sector US, Vice President of Service, Latin America, in Various assignments in Europe and Asia Pacific. He concluded his IBM career as the Vice President of the Communication Sector Americas. Hector lives in southern California and enjoys volunteering in the community, time with family, collecting cars, motorcycles and Trap Shooting at his local club. 

Vern Larson, President, NRLN Avaya Retirees Chapter

Vern Larson, President, NRLN Avaya Retirees Chapter, who has been serving as at-large Vice President, Membership Development, will remain on the Board as at-large Vice President, Chapters Representative replacing Martha Deahl. Vern will also become a member of the Grassroots Committee representing NRLN Chapters. 

Martha Deahl, President, Arizona Chapter

Martha Deahl, President, Arizona Chapter, and NRLN Region 8 Vice President (Desert Southwest Region – AZ, NM, and NV) who has served on the Board as Chapters Representative will remain on the Board as NRLN Vice President – Grassroots. She replaces Bob Martina who tragically died in a traffic accident in September. 

In an announcement unrelated to the NRLN Board, Ray Sternot, NRLN Region 5 Vice President (Great Lakes Region (IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WI), will become Information Technology (IT) Director, reporting to Joe Sciulli, NRLN Board Member and President, NRLN Lucent/Nokia Retirees Chapter. 

He will serve Janet Seefried NRLN VP Secretary and Treasurer, as NRLN Database Administrator and will support Ed Beltram, NRLN Vice President – Communications and Martha Deahl VP – Grassroots. Ray will continue to serve as the Region 5 Vice President. 

These changes will fill the void left when we lost Bob Martina, strengthen our grassroots operations focus and support membership growth. Equally important, they will ensure the continuity of support for ongoing IT and database technology services needed to efficiently manage growth and NRLN’s day-to-day infrastructure. 

Bill Kadereit, President
National Retiree Legislative Network

National Retiree Legislative Network
Based in Washington, D.C., the National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) is the only nationwide organization solely dedicated to representing the interests of retirees and future retirees. Formed in 2002, the NRLN’s endeavors to secure federal legislation to protect retirees’ employer-sponsored pensions and benefits in addition to keeping Social Security and Medicare strong.

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