- Click on the “TAKE ACTION” button below the Vote to Restore Delphi Salaried Retirees Pensions. Next, enter your street address and zip code, and click “GO”. It will present the sample letter for you to email to your Representative. If you have a problem with this link, go to www.nrln.org and click the Action Alert headline at the top of the right column on the NRLN website home page. When the Action Alert appears, click on the “TAKE ACTION” link. Enter your street address and zip and click “GO” and follow the steps to email the NRLN’s sample letters.
- When you have accessed the sample letter, to the left of the letter are windows to type in your contact information required by Representatives so they know they are receiving an email from a constituent. If you have sent previous NRLN emails to your members of Congress, your contact information may be automatically displayed when you begin to type in your contact information.
- Add your personal comments to the letter.
- Click on the “Preview” button and the letters addressed to your Representative and two Senators will appear. Their names will be automatically added in the letter’s greeting. Check to make sure the letters appear correct and then click “Send”.
- Call your Representative immediately (before Wednesday, July 27). If you know the name of your Representative call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected with his or her office. If you do not know the name of your Representative but know your Congressional District go to the NRLN website at: https://nrln.org//legislative-action-network/#/legislators/. On the USA map, click on your state and your state’s Congressional delegation will appear. Find your District and click on the name of your Representative to obtain the phone number for his or her office.
- SUGGESTED TALKING POINTS (the first three sentences are key; other thought-starters are offered):
- When a staff member answers, say: I am (name) and I live in (city) and (state).
- I am requesting that Representative _________ vote for passage of H.R.6929, the Susan Muffley Act when the House votes on it, this week.
- The bill would restore full pension benefits earned by salaried retirees of Delphi Corporation.
- I (or “my spouse/parent/friend”) was/were financially (and emotionally) hurt by the loss of a large part of my pension.
- The Delphi salaried retirees’ pension plan was terminated in 2009 so the federal government could speed General Motors through its Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
- Taxpayer money was used to fully protect GM’s and the Delphi union’s pensions, but the well-funded pension plan for Delphi salaried retirees was terminated, taken over by PBGC and many Delphi salaried retirees suffered payment reductions up to 70%.
- I want to note that the United Auto Workers (UAW) union supports passage of H.R.6929.
- Please leave a message for Representative ________ to vote to correct this unfair treatment of Delphi salaried retirees