Podcast Video Library

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Current Episode - NRLN's Agenda 2023 and Medicare Advantage

When you watch the podcast, Alyson Parker, NRLN Executive Director will inform you about the NRLN’s year-end push.

Alyson continued her comments by describing the NRLN process taking place to develop the NRLN’s 2023 Legislative Agenda. She noted that protecting retirees in de-risking (when a company sells its pension plan to and insurance company) will be an NRLN priority in 2023.

Bill Kadereit, NRLN President, opened his section of the live podcast with comments on Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. He said MA competition with Medicare was approved by Congress because insurance companies promised they could perform better.

In the last section of the live podcast, Ed Beltram, NRLN VP-Communications, presented questions from NRLN members for Alyson and Bill to answer.

Creating a Better Future for Retirees

Welcome to the National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) Podcast produced by and for America’s Retirees and those over age 50.

I’m Bill Kadereit, President of the NRLN and your Podcast host.

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Podcast Episodes

NRLN S3 E2 NRLN Podcast | NRLN’S 2023 Agenda, Medicare Advantage Discussion and Q/A

Congratulations to the team for an excellent show!
Cindy Haskel
Board Member

NRLN S3 E1 NRLN Podcast | Start of the Medicare 2022 Annual Enrollment Period

NRLN S2 E4 Congress Must Take Action to Reduce the Price of Prescription Drugs

NRLN S2 E3 Denial of Access to Medicare Supplemental Plan Premiums

NRLN S2 E2 Choosing a Medicare Part D, with Bill Kadereit

NRLN Podcast S2, E1 | Medicare Privatization and Direct Contracting

NRLN Podcast Episodes Series 1 | 2021

Introduction to the NRLN | Creating a Better Future for Retirees | Ep1 [Audio Only]

History of Medicare Privatization After 23 Years | Ep2

Medicare A-D Revenue, MA Plan Rebates/Market Share & Medicare 10 yr. Budget | Ep3

Medicare Enrollment 2020 -2021 | Ep4

Medicare Enrollment for 2020 - 2021 | Ep5

Choosing a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan | Ep6

Medicare Enrollment for 2020 - 2021 | Ep5

Choosing a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan | Ep6

Medicare Privatization and the Quality Bonus Plan | Ep7

NRLN discusses Need to Reduce Prescription Drug Prices | 8 [Audio Only]

NRLN Podcast Episodes 2021 | Audio Only

NRLN Video Podcast was produced by and for America’s Retirees and those over age 50 who will someday reach eligibility to receive Pensions, Social Security, Medicare and other benefits they earned and paid for over a lifetime of work
National Retiree Legislative Network
Based in Washington, D.C., the National Retiree Legislative Network (NRLN) is the only nationwide organization solely dedicated to representing the interests of retirees and future retirees. Formed in 2002, the NRLN’s endeavors to secure federal legislation to protect retirees’ employer-sponsored pensions and benefits in addition to keeping Social Security and Medicare strong.

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