NRLN Provides New “Report Card” Feature on Members of Congress
The NRLN Report Card is useful to our members to know as much as possible on whether their U.S. Senators and Representative are a sponsor or cosponsor of bills the NRLN supports or opposes. You are encouraged to use the Report Card to urge your Representative and Senators to cosponsor bills being advocated by the NRLN and thank them when they do. The Report Card is used during NRLN fly-ins to Washington, D.C. to show the lawmakers and/or their staff members that the NRLN is tracking their actions on bills important to retirees. It is hoped that those whose position is unknown on a bill on the Report Card will follow the NRLN’s position if/when a vote is called on the bill.OPTION 1 – GET CURRENT CONGRESSIONAL REPORT CARD
To get the “report card” for your whole state delegation in the current 117th Congress
- Click on the link to the Legislative Action Network
- Choose your state
- In the NRLN Report Card Area click on this icon
NOTE :If the spreadsheet has a yellow banner at the top, click on ‘ENABLE EDITING‘ in order to see the full content of the report.
To get a reportcard on any individual senator or representative
- Click on the link to the Legislative Action Network
- Choose your state
- Click on the individual you want
- Scroll down to see the report card on the lower part of the screen.
It is very useful to see how well your Reps have supported us in the past.
NOTE 1: Downloading will give you access to live links and bill descriptions, but requires ability to read excel spreadsheets.
NOTE 2:If the spreadsheet has a yellow banner at the top, click on ‘ENABLE EDITING‘ in order to see the full content of the report.