CenturyLink Concession Service
Century Link (CTL) is changing the concession service features retirees have been entitled to over the years. Various changes are being made to bring concession products more in line with the current cost of general products.
- It is important for you to know that no action is required TODAY.
- Only when you make changes in your existing retiree concession products will be affected.
- If you currently have a second line and change your service for any reason, the second line will no longer be offered under concession; it will still be offered for purchase.
- Basic Local service and Intra-Lata Long Distance service will continue to be at full concession.
The number to call to make changes to your concession services is 800-244-1111.
About the NRLN New Mexico Chapter
The NRLN New Mexico Chapter was organized under the NRLN’s chapter structure in January 2014. The New Mexico Chapter was originally established to reach out to US West/Qwest/CenturyLink retirees who were members of their retirement organization (TRA/AUSWR-NM), which disbanded.
The NM Chapter also welcomes members from other companies and public entities if they are not already members of an NRLN Association.
All NM Chapter members are advocates belonging to the NRLN Grassroots Organization Network. Some NRLN NM Grassroots’ advocates volunteer to become NM Congressional District Leaders and make local visits to their respective Congressional District Offices and sometimes travel to Washington, D.C. to attend an NRLN “Fly-In”. The purpose of these visits is to educate the members of Congress on the NRLN’s Legislative Agenda (see the Legislative Agenda tab at www.nlrn.org), to make them aware of pendi ng legislation that needs support and provide feedback of their performance (see Grassroots tab on www.nrln.org then click on Congressional Report Cards).
Update Email Status –
If you believe you are enrolled but are not receiving email from NRLN, check your junk-mail or spam folder and designate email from contact@nrln.org as a “safe sender”. If you find no quarantined email, or if you changed your email address, please send a note to contact@nrln.org to check, revise and confirm your status. You also may have enrolled but failed to check the box to receive emails. If this is the case your enrollment status will be corrected.
Contributions –to NRLN are voluntary but needed and appreciated. CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW
Click Here
The NRLN New Mexico Chapter Member Benefits:
- Members become advocates of the NRLN Grassroots Organization.
- Members have a dedicated website, New Mexico Chapter, accessible from the “Chapters” tab on the NRLN website at www.nrln.org.
- The NRLN FOCUS newsletter will be mailed to those NM Chapter members who make an annual contribution to the NRLN and do not have an email address. An email will be sent to the NM Chapter members who have an email address to notify them when the NRLN FOCUS is available at www.nrln.org.
- Members with an email address will receive NRLN Action Alerts, and other pertinent information from the NRLN President.
- NM Congressional District Leaders contact information will be provided on the NM Chapter webpage.
- Dedicated NRLN Lobbyist located in Washington, D.C. meet regularly with key Congressional committee members to advocate the NRLN’s legislative initiatives.
- The Chapter will have representation on the NRLN Board of Directors. Martha Deahl, Regional VP, AZ/NM/NV is on the NRLN Board.
- Contact: DesertSouthwestRegion@nrln.org, Mobile Telephone Number : 602-672-6262.
- Chapter Grassroots volunteers who become NM Congressional District Leaders are provided with information to share with New Mexico Congressional Members during the visits in New Mexico and Washington, D.C. This information identifies size and intent of the NRLN and current issues that need Congressional action.
We could use other retirees to help us interface with our NM Senators’ and Representatives’ local offices. If they don’t hear from us, they assume we are happy with what they are doing.
We need a voice for all retirees, many who cannot travel to visit their Senators and Representatives. Contact Cassie Kelley at cassiek@comcast.net or Martha Deahl at newmexicochapter@nrln.org. Please help us spread the word about the NRLN and specifically the NM Chapter and the work we are doing to help protect retirees’ interests.
Please discuss the NRLN with all of you friends and encourage them to sign up to receive free emails at www.nrln.org. Remind them that their names, emails and home addresses are on a secure database designed for communicating with them and federal government officials.
Message from Bill Kadereit, NRLN President
Do you know…Beginning in 2020, Social Security will pay more in benefits than it takes in from taxes and interest income? Social Security will deplete its $2.9 trillion reserve fund in 2035. While the program will not go bankrupt due to payroll taxes, projections are benefits would be cut between one-fourth to one-third.
Do you know…Medicare’s Hospital Insurance program (Medicare Part A) is pointed toward insolvency by 2026? At that time, Medicare Part A will only have enough funds to pay about 87% of costs. The Supplementary Medical Insurance (Medicare Part B and Part D) trust fund remains adequately financed throughout the projection period because of beneficiaries’ premiums and general taxpayer revenues.
Do you know…The NRLN and your Chapter are working to get Congress to adopt our proposals to save Social Security and Medicare for the next 75 years?
Do you know…Congress is allowing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to use taxpayer dollars to subsidize private insurance companies for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans to serve as a “Trojan horse” to move toward privatization? The NRLN and your Chapter opposes the use of MA plans to privatize Medicare.
Do you know…An analysis has shown that privatizing Medicare would increase the cost to beneficiaries by 18%? This is not cost improvement. This is cost shifting to seniors and the NRLN opposes it.
Do you know…The NRLN supports legislation to allow Medicare to do competitive bidding>for lower prescription drug prices? We want to end pay-for-delay and other brand name drugmakers’ tactics that obstruct generic drugs from coming to market, and allow importation of safe and less expensive drugs from Canada.
Do you know…Far too often pension plan sponsors find an error in the pension payment calculation and force retirees to pay back thousands of dollars and suffer a large cut in benefits? The NRLN proposes an amendment to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to indemnify individual plan participants from the requirement to refund overpayments by instructing actuaries to account for recoupment as a plan funding risk requiring very small adjustments to plan actuarial calculations.
Do you know…Many employers are selling pension plans to insurance company annuities? The steady decline in traditional defined-benefit pension plans through “de-risking” will continue with 76% of plan sponsors saying they plan to shed their pensions. When “de-risking” occurs with the purchase of an insurance annuity, pension plan participants lose the protection of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and the ERISA. The NRLN’s proposed legislation would protect retirees.
Please join as Individual Member for 2023.
Martha Deahl
NRLN Vice President
Desert Southwest Region
AZ/NM/NV and
NRLN Arizona Chapter President
New Mexico SHIP:
Phone: 800-432-2080
Program Name: State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
About: The State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP, is a national program that offers one-on-one counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and their families. Coordinators provide benefits counseling on the Medicare, Medicare prescription drug program, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and Veterans benefits. Information and related Senior Medicare Patrol billing questions and appeals. NM SHIP ensures that older New Mexicans receive accurate, unbiased information about health care options and other entitlements. It does not sell, endorse or recommend any specific insurance or other health plans
NRLN NM Chapter Says – Wake Up NM….
Now is the time for your Senators and Representatives to hear your voices! Let them know how you feel about their lack of action when it comes to protecting retirees’ benefits.
NRLN Report Cards on New Mexico’s Members of Congress
The following “Report Card” shows whether New Mexico members of Congress sponsored or cosponsored or voted for bills the NRLN supported in the current 115th Congress. Click here to access the Legislative Directory and then select New Mexico on the USA map to view the NM Congressional delegation webpage on the NRLN website. Then click on the tab NRLN STATE REPORT CARD (EXCEL DOWNLOAD).
Topics of Interest
From: Martha Deahl, NRLN Vice President Desert Southwest Region, AZ/NM/NV Desertsouthwestregion@NRLN.org
Subject: Change in CenturyLink Concession Service
Changes in CenturyLink Concession Service policy was updated on May 3, 2018 which affects management retirees. The policy states:
“If you are enrolled in concessions prior to May 3, 2018, you may keep your current concessions. However, if you change your services, apply for the new concession program, or move to a new address any time after May 3, 2018, you may not be able to revert to your prior concession offer.”
This change in policy does not apply to non-management retirees since they are covered by Qwest CWA and IBEW Unions Bargaining Agreements.
Thanks, Martha
Make Your Voice Heard with Members of Congress
One of the major roles of the NRLN New Mexico Chapter is to advocate the NRLN legislative agenda for retirees to members of the New Mexico Congressional delegation.
Pension, Social Security and Medicare protection are at the top of the list of things to protect and reducing health care cost, especially the cost of prescription drugs.
We could use other retirees to help us interface with our NM Senators’ and Representatives’ local offices. If they don’t hear from us, they assume we are happy with what they are doing. We need a voice for all retirees, many who cannot travel to visit their Senators and Representatives.
- Cassie Kelley at cassiek@comcast.net or
- Martha Deahl at newmexicochapter@nrln.org.
Please help us spread the word about the NRLN and specifically the NM Chapter and the work we are doing to help protect retirees’ interests. Please discuss the NRLN with all of you friends and encourage them to sign up to receive free emails at www.nrln.org. Remind them that their names, emails and home addresses are on a secure database designed for communicating with them and federal government officials.
New Mexico Chapter Contact List
If you need the address or other personal information of either Senator or your Representative this is how to find it:
- Access www.nrln.org
- Look for the black link tab Grassroots, open it
- Scroll down to Legislative Action Network
- On the US Map, open NM by double clicking it
- All the Congressional Leaders for NM are pictured,
Double click any Congressional member for information.
New Mexico Chapter Leaders' List
If you need assistance in finding information on www.nrln.org or the NM State Chapter Link please contact:
- Cassiek Kelly, NM State Chapter President cassiek@comcast.net
- Martha Deahl, VP, NRLN Desert Southwest Region AZ/NM/NV desertsouthwestregion@nrln.org