Subject: NRLN — Is your member of Congress working for you? How to find out.
All NRLN Grassroots Advocates – You are empowered and have the tools to influence Congress.
- How is your member of Congress doing on retiree issues?
The NRLN has made it easy to find out. The NRLN looks at all bills introduced in Congress and then determines which are relevant to us, who supports them as cosponsors and who opposes or supports positions of the NRLN on them in votes. Your Representative’s and Senators’ “report cards” can be found starting at this website and then following the links (states and pictures). (any zip code works.) When you get to your Representative or Senators, just go to the bottom if you want to see the entire state (Senators and Representative altogether) in one shot. After clicking on your state on the U.S. map, download an EXCEL file by clicking on the link under your state flag. This data is updated daily. - Put pressure on your House and Senate members. At a minimum, make sure to respond to all NRLN Action Alerts – This doesn’t take five minutes. (The latest one can be found on the NRLN website at There are many other methods that can be employed. This website provides a list and simple “how-to’s” for 10 different methods. Sending you lawmaker an e-mail or Facebook message, particularly with a copy of his report card can have a big impact on him/her or his/her staff members. Twitter allows only short 280 character messages, but can be hard-hitting short messages.
- Additional information on NRLN issues.
If you want more detailed information concerning NRLN positions, full whitepapers, executive summaries,
and talking points are available online at under the Action Network tab.
More of you need to get involved in responding to Action Alerts or taking other measures with Congress if we are to succeed. (To you frequent responders, I say “THANKS”.)
Feel free to pass this on to your friends, NRLN members or not. The more Congress hears from retirees, the better. If anyone wants to get our Action Alerts and other e-mails they can sign up at and click on the flashing icon at the top of the homepage. Even better, become an NRLN Individual Member with an annual contribution, or a member of a retiree association or chapter so we can have their e-mail address.
Hoping to see more or even all of you participate to help us accomplish our objectives.
NRLN Grassroots