How to Become Part of the NRLN
I want to sign up my Retiree Association or Club for an NRLN Membership
Retiree Associations are composed of retirees and future retirees from a specific company or public entity
Click here to see current Retiree Associations affiliated with NRLN.
Retiree Associations are founded and flourish around a membership that in addition to being focused on Congress also addresses issues related to their former employers.
If you are a member of an organized retiree group, or company club, you are invited to fill in the:
Member Association application form.
Our current group dues are simple. Our Annual Dues are currently $3.00 per paid member and are paid annually by the Associations. Dues for a start-up fledging association are set based on the group’s affordability for a period of time determined by the NRLN Board.
I want to form a local NRLN Chapter.
NRLN Chapters are grassroots organizations built around a mix of retirees and future retirees from various companies and public entities in common geographic areas in the U.S. Some Chapters have a base of retirees from a single company with their main focus being on Congressional legislative issues. Chapters are not intended to replace or raid Retiree Associations but partner with them at the grassroots level.
NRLN Chapters receive a myriad of support services and startup guidance from the NRLN. Chapters are required to upload their membership lists to the NRLN database including mailing address with 9-digit Zip Code (in order to identify Congressional Districts), phone number and email addresses. The data is maintained in a secure database and access by third parties is prohibited. Members of Chapters will be solicited at least annually to make a contribution to become an Individual Member of the NRLN.
Click here to learn more about forming an NRLN Chapter
If you have a proposal for forming a Retiree Association or NRLN Chapter, send an email to us with your name and phone number by clicking or call toll free 1-866-360-7197. We look forward to hearing from you.
Working Together to Preserve Retirement Benefits
What is important is for retirees and pre-retirees to work together to preserve the benefits we earned. We believe the NRLN is the only National Group that is dedicated solely to preserve those benefits. A copy of the NRLN Bylaws is available here.
We encourage you to take an active role in our efforts by becoming a Grassroots Member , – click here
The information you provide to the NRLN will not be sold or shared with anyone other than Officers and Staff of the NRLN Organization. There will be no spam messages sent and you will be able to opt out from receiving NRLN email messages at any time.
We Welcome Your Financial Support
Should you choose to become active in the affairs of current and future retirees, we welcome your financial support and your input. Please join us today! Make your individual contribution and/or Organization check payable to: NRLN, Inc. and mail to: NRLN Inc. PO Box 69051 Baltimore, MD 21264-9051